Community Involvement and Revitalization



Our youth and the entire community are encouraged to become active participants in all of the events and projects that ARTSNCT offers. The support of the  local area has been overwhelmingly positive and strong thus far. 

The arts are not a frill. The arts are a response to our individuality and our nature, and help to shape our identity. What is there that can transcend deep difference and stubborn divisions? The arts. They have a wonderful universality. Art has the potential to unify. It can speak in many languages without a translator. The arts do not discriminate.  The arts can lift us up.
— Former Texas Congresswoman Barbara Jordan 


ARTSNCT is and will be a major part of the revitalization of Newcomerstown. It will have an economic impact on the area, as well as a social impact, and promote new tourism and growth.

 The arts are the best insurance policy a city can take on itself.
— Woody Dumas, former Mayor of Baton Rouge, LA 
In the third year of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln ordered work to go ahead on the completion of the dome of the Capitol. When critics protested the diversion of labor and money from the prosecution of the war, Lincoln said, ‘If people see the capitol going on, it is a sign that we intend this Union shall go on.’ Franklin Roosevelt recalled this story in 1941 when, with the world in the blaze of war, he dedicated the National Gallery in Washington. And John Kennedy recalled both these stories when he asked for public support for the arts in 1962. Lincoln and Roosevelt, Kennedy said, ‘understood that the life of the arts, far from being an interruption, a distraction, in the life of the nation, is very close to the center of a nation’s purpose- and is a test of the quality of a nation’s civilization.
— Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

ARTSNCT is and will be a major part of the revitalization of Newcomerstown. It will have an economic impact on the area, as well as a social impact, and promote new tourism and growth.